Informe de Sostenibilidad RS26000




Datos descriptivos de la organización

Ref. GRI Standard: 102-1, 102-2, 102-3, 102-4, 102-7

Organización y actividades

CENTRO CORPORATIVO: Lluch Essence S.L.U (España) – Nº de trabajadores: 165
CENTRO DE TRABAJO PRINCIPAL: C/ Lo Gaiter, 160 08820 Prat de Llobregat Barcelona ( SPAIN ) – Nº de trabajadores: 162

OTROS CENTROS | Nº trabajadores


Lluch Essence is a family business, operating since 1950, engaged in the marketing and distribution of essential oils and aromatic chemicals and the manufacture of fragrances and flavourings for industry.

GRUPO DE ACTIVIDAD: Jabones, detergentes y otros artículos de limpieza y abrillantament; perfumes y productos de cosmétic, Otros productos químicos
CNAE: 4675 - Comercio al por mayor de productos químicos

Principales familias de productos o servicios

Essential Oils

Organic Essential Oils
Aroma Chemicals
Natural Molecules
Other products

Volúmenes de producción por familia de productos/servicios

Essential Oils:  7,40 %

Organic Essential Oils:  0,02 %
Aroma Chemicals:  78,80 %
Natural Molecules:  5,39 %
Other products:  8,39 %


Información social


Enlace aquí con nuestras principales redes sociales.

Ref. GRI Standard: 102-18, 102-19, 102-20




Lluch Essence is a family ow​ned company dedicated to the g​lobal distribution and commercialisation of essential oils and aroma chemicals with over 60 years of experience.

These past few years, we have evolved our sustainability governance mechanisms from formal structures to more collaborative processes. We further reinforced leadership, ownership and management of sustainability issues by creating new roles and revising our sustainability governance structure.

Reflecting the importance we place in people, culture and, values we transferred responsibility for sustainability to our Chief Financial Officer, who is a member of the Executive committee, reporting annually to the Board on our corporate sustainability strategy and performance.

Following this change, we also created a new social corporate responsibility team focused on defining ambitious and measurable objective annually approved by the Executive committee. The achievement of those objectives is measured using performance indicators monitored.

We have implemented those committees which assure that Lluch is managed with transparency to foster trust with the company and also to our stakeholders. Decisions are always taken under the umbrella of ethics and bearing in mind effectiveness and sustainability.

Our Executive committee includes several people which play a part in the main activities of the company. All of them assume the role of leaders in front of the teams that report to them, assuming the relevant responsibilities of their workspace:

·       CEO-Eva and Sofia Lluch

·       General Director – Gabriel Puig

·       CFO – Daniel Gutierrez

·       Sales Director – Conxa Ferrer

·       Global Category Director (Purchase Synthetics) – Christian Ritter

·       Global Category Director (Purchase Naturals) – Julia Peinado

·       HR Director – Arantxa Martinez

Ref. GRI Standard: 102-53

Contacto en relación al presente informe 

PERSONA DE CONTACTO: Daniel Gutiérrez – Cargo: Chief Financial Officer

Teléfono directo: +34 933 793 849  Mail:

Ref. GRI Standard: 102-46

Alcance del Informe Right Supply 26000 


Lluch Essence S.L.U y Lluch Essence S.A.S


The present corporate sustainability report is referring to Lluch Essence Barcelona and Bogotá headquarters.

At Lluch Essence, as a 3rd generation family business, we are proud of our past, we work in the present,and we are extremely committed to the future. We understand sustainability as the ability to endure, ensuring the needs of the present without compromising those of the future. That is why sustainability is not only part of our strategy, but also of our culture. Being sustainable is essential to us and is in our DNA. At Lluch Essence, we have a global vision of sustainable development, which includes economic, social, environmental and governance systems. Sustainability is a global commitment to long-term action. We are proud to be able to share and communicate our achievements and goals, as it reflects our vision of making our headquarter Carbon Neutral.

We commit ourselves to responsible business and corporate actions to create the world we want. We transform our ambitious commitments into clear achievements. Global challenges such as climate change and the health crisis show that our commitment is more essential than ever.


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Las referencias al estándar GRI Standard se incluyen en el informe RS26000 a modo orientativo.

Nuestro compromiso y valores

Ref. GRI Standard: 102-16

Códigos éticos 

 CÓDIGO ÉTICO: Code of conduct-c3892e12

Adhesion a los principios de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de la norma ISO 26000 

Our company is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and to this end, the values established by the ISO 26000 standard as a Social Responsibility Guide are adopted. This standard provides guidance to those companies who recognize that respect for society and environment is a critical success factor and displays their commitment to sustainability.



    Ethical behavior

    Respecting Stakeholders Values

    Respecting the principle of legality

    Respecting International Standards

    Respecting Human Rights

Ref. GRI Standard: 102-16

Adhesion a los principios del Global Compact o Pacto Mundial

1 LLUCH ESSENCE da apoyo y respeta la protección de los derechos humanos fundamentales, reconocidos internacionalmente, dentro de nuestro ámbito de influencia.
2 LLUCH ESSENCE asegura no dar cobertura o complicidad a otras empresas que vulneren los Derechos Humanos.
3 LLUCH ESSENCE se compromete con la libertad de afiliación y el reconocimiento efectivo del derecho a la negociación colectiva.
4 LLUCH ESSENCE se compromete con la eliminación de toda forma de trabajo forzoso o realizado bajo coacción.
5 LLUCH ESSENCE se compromete con la erradicación del trabajo infantil.
6 LLUCH ESSENCE se compromete con la abolición de las prácticas de discriminación en el empleo y la ocupación.
7 LLUCH ESSENCE mantiene un enfoque preventivo que favorezca la protección del medio ambiente.
8 LLUCH ESSENCE fomenta las iniciativas que promueven una mayor responsabilidad ambiental.
9 LLUCH ESSENCE favorece el desarrollo y la difusión de las tecnologías respetuosas con el medioambiente.
10 LLUCH ESSENCE establece funciones y controles para garantizar la ausencia de corrupción en todas sus formas, incluidas la extorsión y el soborno.
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Certificaciones acreditadas por LLUCH ESSENCE


Los iconos aquí incluidos tienen como objeto reconocer los certificados que acredita la organización, no constituyendo una representación fidedigna de sus marcas gráficas o de sus sellos de garantía.

Certificados adjuntos

ISO 9001:2015 | 27/02/2019, ISO 9001:2015 | 27/02/2019, ISO 9001:2015 | 27/02/2019, ISO 9001:2015 | 27/02/2019, ISO 9001:2015 | 27/02/2019, ISO 9001:2015 | 27/02/2019



OTROS CERTIFICADOS / DOCUMENTOS: Acredited certificates-2b9db9b6

Códigos éticos 

 CÓDIGO ÉTICO: Code of conduct-c3892e12



Certificado RS26000 

 RS26000: RS26000_002_LLUCH_ESSENCE_2020

⚪ RSs:140

Sostenibilidad medioambiental


 Mapping de los asuntos materiales o relevantes (ODS Agenda 2030)


Ref. GRI Standard: 301-1

Origen de las Materias Primas mayoritarias: 


Origen de los principales productos distribuidos:



Descripción de los impactos principales o significativos:

Lluch Essence offers a wide portfolio with more than 4000 references, raw materials of vegetable (botanical), animal, mineral or synthetic origin.

In order to provide our customers  the best product variety and typology (organoleptic and physicochemical properties),we maintain  a long-lasting commercial relationship with the largest manufacturers of raw materials for both perfumery and food as well as with those manufacturers who harvest and create essential oils in smaller volumes. Purchases of raw materials are intended to be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable, promoting the economic development of rural communities and purchasing directly from the origin countries reduces the number of intermediaries, the carbon footprint in the distribution process and improves the living conditions of many families. In addition, our company also owns HUBs in Shanghai and Mumbai, warehouses in Colombia and Malaysia and is fitted with a network of distributors in several countries, which allow us to achieve the transition to a low-carbon economy.

In terms of environmental impact, Lluch Essence is concerned about the situation of native forests and therefore since 2019 it has been calculating the emissions generated (CO2) by its activity and compensating through reforestation projects in the Peruvian Amazon and in hydroelectric power plants, thereby contributing to the fulfilment of at least five of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:  no 5 (Gender Equality), no 7 (Affordable and Clean Energyl), no 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), no 12 (Responsible Consumption  and Production), no 13 (Climate Action) and no 15 ( Life on Land).

Localice y destaque la importancia de los ODS en las diferentes fases del ciclo de vida del producto o servicio.

Indicadores medioambientales

Generación de residuos

2020 Dato invariante (+/- 5%) ⚪ RSs: 0
0.024 t/t
2020 Dato invariante (+/- 5%) ⚪ RSs: 0

0 %

2020 Dato invariante (+/- 5%) ⚪ RSs: 0

73.14 %

2020 Mejora substancial >25% ⚪ RSs: 10

0 %

2020  Dato invariante (+/- 5%) ⚪ RSs: 0

17.87 %

2020 Dato invariante (+/- 5%) ⚪ RSs: 0
0.15 KR/kp

Consumo de energías

2020 Mejora substancial >25% ⚪ RSs: 10

0.0791 MWh/t

2020 Mejora substancial >25% ⚪ RSs: 10

49.91 MWh

% ENERGÍA RENOVABLE CONSUMIDA (respecto del total)
2020 Mejora substancial >25% ⚪ RSs: 10

100 %

Emisiones de CO2

2020 Dato invariante (+/- 5%) ⚪ RSs:0

231 t

2020 Evolución no disponible ⚪ RSs: -1
2020 Dato invariante (+/- 5%) ⚪ RSs: 0
231 t

Consumo de agua y vertidos

2020 Dato invariante (+/- 5%) ⚪ RSs: 0
0.09 m3/t
2020 Dato invariante (+/- 5%) ⚪ RSs: 0
0 m3/t

Datos de economía circular. Materias de origen UPstream

2020 Dato invariante (+/- 5%) ⚪ RSs: 0
82 %
2020 Dato invariante (+/- 5%) ⚪ RSs: 0
0 %

Datos de economía circular. Producto acabado DOWNstream

2020 Dato invariante (+/- 5%) ⚪ RSs: 0
0 %

⚪ RSs: 29

  ISO 26000. Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

Ref. GRI Standard: 102-29

Enfoque de gestión o nivel de integración en la organización


Derechos Humanos


Prácticas laborales


Medio ambiente y entorno


Operaciones justas


Consumidores y clientes


Comunidad y desarrollo

Relación de materias fundamentales en las que trabaja la organización

Agenda 2030 y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODSs) en acción 

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. It is a global agenda, based on five dimensions: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Collective Participation articulated in 17 Sustainable Development Goals, divided in turn into 169 goals to be met in 2030, which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership.

For years, scientists have warned us that environmental problems, which are the consequence of human activity, represent a danger both to our health and that of the planet. The coronavirus has shown us that we are not immune to these threats and their impact must not allow us to forget the great challenge facing humanity: the fight against climate change.

At Lluch Essence, we are strongly committed to 2030 Agenda, we have already undertaken specific actions and we believe efforts to pool together all of the work that is already going on should be included. Sustainability in business activities is being transformed into an essential component that allows us to succeed and thrive.

Objetivos en los que trabajamos de forma activa



 Estado de implementación de la Agenda 2030  
LLUCH ESSENCE ha integrado los ODSs de la Agenda 2030 en la planficación y realiza seguimiento de los hitos conseguidos para cada uno de ellos.

⚪ RSs: 20

Las referencias GRI Standard han sido incluidas para facilitar a la organización el cálculo de indicadores en caso de optar a una validación GRI.

Objetivo 1: Poner fin a la pobreza en todas sus formas y en todo el mundo.
Ref. GRI Standard: 202-1, 203-2, 207-1, 207-2. 207-3, 207-4, 413-2

Carbon footprint calculation and compensation: Lluch Essence performs the calculation and compensation of its carbon footprint (scope 1 and 2). This 2020 the total amount of Lluch Essence’s carbon footprint was 233 tonnes CO2 which has been compensated through hydro projects working on generating electricity from flowing water.  These projects reduce the need to burn fossil fuels to generate their own power by preserving natural resources, promoting renewable energy generation, reducing dependency on non-renewable resources, helping spread green technology worldwide and, improving health.

Objetivo 3: Garantizar una vida sana y promover el bienestar de todos a todas las edades.
Ref. GRI Standard: 203-2, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-6, 305-7, 306-1, 306-2, 306-3, 306-4, 401-2, 403-6-a, 403-6-b, 403-9-a, 403-9-b, 403-9-c, 403-10-a, 403-10-b, 403-10-c

Mask and gloves donation: While COVID-19 has presented a new set of challenges, our commitment to our communities remains steadfast. In response to this emergency, at the beginning of the Spanish lockdown, Lluch Essence donated more than 12.000 masks and 700 protective gloves to local hospitals which were in critical need of personal protective equipment.

Objetivo 4: Garantizar una educación inclusiva y equitativa de calidad y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje permanente para todos.
Ref. GRI Standard: 404-1

Tablets donation: When schools closed in the lockdown, Lluch Essence wanted to help those students in need who requested technological devices in order to continue their classes at home. Thus, Lluch Essence donate tablets to SAO El Prat, a local non-profit socio-educational entity with the purpose of accompanying children, young people and their families in vulnerable situations.

Objetivo 5: Lograr la igualdad de género y empoderar a todas las mujeres y las niñas.
Ref. GRI Standard: 102-22, 102-24, 202-1, 203-1, 401-1, 401-2, 401-3, 404-3, 405-1, 405-2, 406-1, 414-1, 414-2 

Gender Equality plan creation: Lluch Essence has articulated a strategic view aimed at achieving gender equality by working on our Gender Equality Plan by performing an analysis, planning, implementation and monitoring the process and the progress.

Objetivo 7: Garantizar el acceso a una energía asequible, fiable, sostenible y moderna para todos.
Ref. GRI Standard: 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5

Solar Panels (320 solar panels): Lluch Essence is committed to an efficient, sustainable and renewable production in a way that respects the environment and the distribution of the energy, focusing our efforts on the production of our own solar energy for self-consumption by installing 320 solar panels on the rooftop of our headquarters in Barcelona. Now, Lluch Essence is powered by 100% Renewable Energy. Our commitment to the planet and people is global.

Objetivo 8: Promover el crecimiento económico sostenido, inclusivo y sostenible, el empleo pleno y productivo y el trabajo decente para todos.
Ref. GRI Standard: 102-8, 102-41, 202-1, 202-2, 203-2, 204-1, 301-1, 301-2, 301-3, 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 401-1, 401-2, 401-3, 402-1, 403-1-a, 403-1-b, 403-2-a, 403-2-b, 403-2-c, 403-2-d, 403-3, 403-4-a, 403-4-b, 403-5, 403-7, 403-8, 403-9-a, 403-9-b, 403-9-c, 403-10-a, 403-10-b, 403-10-c, 404-1, 404-2, 404-3, 405-1, 405-2, 406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1, 414-1, 414-2

Our top priority has and always will be the health and safety of our employees, customers, partners and the communities in which we operate. COVID-19 has changed our lives in many ways, including the way we work. In order to reward the employee’s efforts during this difficult year, in December 2020 Lluch Essence shared with the team some presents based on our sustainable values and commitments:

  • An organic cotton bag hand-printed by a local Barcelona company. This local purchase helped the company to continue its business activity, inactive due to the lockdown. One of the simplest first steps toward a more ecofriendly life is to start using cotton bags as it can be reused several times, are made from a biodegradable material and use less water, energy and oil, having less impact on the environment.
  • A chocolate bar which cost goes directly to the Enriqueta Villavecchia Children's Oncology Foundation, which is a non-profit charitable organization with the purpose to comprehensively cover the needs of children and young people in cancer treatment and those families in Catalonia.

Objetivo 10: Reducir la desigualdad en los países y entre ellos.
Ref. GRI Standard: 102-8, 207-1, 207-2, 207-3, 207-4, 401-1, 404-1, 404-3, 405-2

Clothing Donation: Donating the used clothing can help countless people because they are sent to third world countries and to disaster-stricken areas, this allows people living in poverty to afford much-needed clothes and shoes. Moreover, donating used clothing contribute to the circular economy where things are manufactured, used for as long as possible, then recycled. This would help to build a sustainable environment where things don’t go to waste as easily, and where everything is being used to its maximum potential.

Taking these sustainable principles in mind, in October 2020, at Lluch Essence it was organized a Clothing Donation activity. Everyone at Lluch Essence donated as much clothes as they could, collecting more than five cardboard containers, which means more than 230 Kg of clothes, donated to Amiga’s foundation (

Toys Donation: At Lluch Essence, we believe every child has a fundamental right to play, and we strive to leverage our corporate resources to make that happen. In December 2020 we organize a Toys donation activity, providing spaces for Lluch Essence employees to donate toys in a good condition, then they were donated to Sant Joan de Déu, to contribute to the fight against childhood cancer.

Objetivo 11: Lograr que las ciudades y los asentamientos humanos sean inclusivos, seguros, resilientes y sostenibles.
Ref. GRI Standard: 203-1

Creation of a Corporate social responsibility team: These past few years, we have evolved our sustainability governance mechanisms from formal structures to more collaborative processes. We further reinforced leadership, ownership and management of sustainability issues by creating new roles and revising our sustainability governance structure. Thus, we have created a corporate social responsibility team which will manage social and environmental projects and will raise awareness into Lluch Essence team and collaborators by taking our sustainability commitment to the high level.

Raising awarness campaign ODS: At Lluch Essence, we participated to the campaign of raising awareness as part of the International Day of people with disabilities. We strongly believe in the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities. Disability inclusion is an essential condition to upholding human rights, sustainable development, peace and security. It is also central to the promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to leave no one behind.

On the International Day of people with disabilities we were lucky to have the testimony of Issach Padrós, ambassador of Eurofirms Foundation. He shared his experience as a blind person with Lluch Essence team. The purpose of Eurofirms foundation is to normalize disability, through the effort of promoting labour inclusion of people with disabilities and generating inclusive workplaces so no one will be left behind.

Objetivo 12: Garantizar modalidades de consumo y producción sostenibles.
Ref. GRI Standard: 301-1, 301-2, 301-3, 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 303-1-a, 303-1-c, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-6, 305-7, 306-1, 306-2, 306-3, 306-4, 417-1

Reusing pallets (ODS 12): Pallets are considered an important component in our system approach to the supply chain. They are a crucial part of our sustainability strategy based on the recyclability of materials and the use of the assets. Almost all our goods are shipped on pallets, this is the reason why there is an awareness from the point of production to consumption and return. The increasing emphasis on a circular economy compared to a linear approach applies to pallets in two areas: operational efficiency and life cycle. At the end of their life cycle, pallets are repaired or recycled for another round of reuse. Using pallets in this manner generates economic and environmental benefits.

Objetivo 13: Adoptar medidas urgentes para combatir el cambio climático y sus efectos.
Ref. GRI Standard: 201-2, 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5

Carbon footprint calculation and compensation: Lluch Essence performs the calculation and compensation of its carbon footprint (scope 1 and 2). This 2020 the total amount of Lluch Essence’s carbon footprint was 233 tonnes CO2 which has been compensated through hydro projects working on generating electricity from flowing water.  These projects reduce the need to burn fossil fuels to generate their own power by preserving natural resources, promoting renewable energy generation, reducing dependency on non-renewable resources, helping spread green technology worldwide and, improving health.

Objetivo 15: Proteger, restablecer y promover el uso sostenible de los ecosistemas terrestres, gestionar de forma sostenible los bosques, luchar contra la desertificación, detener e invertir la degradación de las tierras y detener la pérdida de biodiversidad.
Ref. GRI Standard: 304-1, 304-2, 304-3, 304-4, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 305-7, 306-3, 306-5

Treedom (Lluch Essece Global Forest): In December 2020, Lluch Essence created its own Global Forest around the world, with more than 1,000 trees chosen and planted by its employees, customers, and suppliers. The cocoa tree has been planted the most (35%), and Cameroon received the majority of the trees (20%). Thanks to this initiative, more than 106,500 kg of CO2 have been captured, and in the future enough CO2 will have been absorbed to fill up 555 trucks. With this initiative, Lluch Essence has contributed to the absorption of CO2 worldwide, the protection of biodiversity, the contrast of soil erosion and desertification, and reforestation. 

Objetivo 17: Fortalecer los medios de implementación y revitalizar la Alianza Mundial para el Desarrollo Sostenible.
Ref. GRI Standard: 207-1, 207-2, 207-3, 207-4

Carbon footprint calculation and compensation:  Lluch Essence performs the calculation and compensation of its carbon footprint (scope 1 and 2). This 2020 the total amount of Lluch Essence’s carbon footprint was 233 tonnes CO2 which has been compensated through hydro projects working on generating electricity from flowing water.  These projects reduce the need to burn fossil fuels to generate their own power by preserving natural resources, promoting renewable energy generation, reducing dependency on non-renewable resources, helping spread green technology worldwide and, improving health.

⚪ RSs:  120

Valoración del Índice de Sostenibilidad de LLUCH ESSENCE 

     Incluye el grado de avance de implementación de la norma ISO 26000 y las prácticas de sostenibilidad en los ODS de la Agenda 2030

Derechos Humanos

Ref: 99

Prácticas Laborales

Ref: 174

Medio Ambiente y entorno

Ref: 224

Operaciones justas

Ref: 109

Consumidores y Clientes Y 

Ref: 1097

Comunidad y desarrollo

Ref: 130

  Gobernanza y transparencia

Ref: 399

El Índice RS26000 es una valoración cuantitativa de la sostenibilidad a partir de un conjunto de indicadores específicos de responsabilidad social y ambiental corporativa. Toma como referencia más de 200 variables e integra las informaciones declaradas por la organización en el marco de la norma ISO 26000 y de la Agenda 2030. 

Los Índices e Informes de Sostenibilidad RightSupply RS26000 generados en esta plataforma han de someterse a un proceso de verificación de contenidos a cargo de los auditores de ECOMUNDIS.  La organización podrá optar a validaciones ampliadas de su Índice RS26000, a cargo de organismos certificadores oficiales y dentro de sus propios procesos de certificación de normas y estándares.

Certificado RS26000

Una vez verificados los contenidos, la organización puede hacer público o comunicar su Índice RS26000 ante sus clientes y otras partes interesadas. El Certificado RS26000  tiene una validez máxima anual desde la fecha de su emisión y, una vez este haya prescrito, la plataforma mantendrá accesible el presente Informe RS26000 por un máximo de tres meses.

Right Supply se reserva los derechos de revocar el certificado RS26000 y de eliminar de esta plataforma aquellos contenidos declarados por la organización, si se demuestra que esta haya incurrido en la omisión de aspectos relevantes o en falsedad de las informaciones  aportadas.

Sistema de Evaluación


El sistema de evaluación RightSupply traslada el valor numérico del Índice RS26000 a una escala de letras de menor a mayor sostenibilidad y de acuerdo con el siguiente gráfico.

Las organizaciones con puntuaciones A+ cumplen adicionalmente de los siguientes [requisitos].


Por otro lado y de forma complementaria, el desempeño de la organización es evaluado numéricamente para cada una de las siete materias fundamentales de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (ISO 26000) y mediante una escala que otorga 7 puntos o estrellas.  Con el objeto de reconocer el esfuerzo de las organizaciones, se establece que las cuatro estrellas de mayor puntuación sean distinguidas con el color dorado. De esta forma, la organización podrá cuantificar el número total de estrellas doradas obtenidas de forma acumulada.



Company Sustainability Index es el sistema de evaluación y puntuación escogido por las organizaciones para analizar objetivamente su progreso en materia de sostenibilidad, mejorarlo progresivamente y comunicarlo ante sus clientes y stakeholders.

Gracias a las informaciones introducidas en la plataforma, el sistema genera de forma automática el Informe RS26000, facilitando la evaluación y el reporte de la responsabilidad social corporativa de las empresas. Dicho informe puede ser registrado como documento COP (Communication On Progres) en el esquema Global Compact de las Naciones Unidas.


Sustainable Value  Chain es un Servicio de evaluación del Índice de Sostenibilidad de los proveedores para la cadena de suministro de las empresas.  RS 26000 · SVC reporta anualmente para su organización indicadores, agregados y por proveedor, en materias tan importantes como la economía circular, el cambio climático y otros aspectos relevantes del ámbito del buen gobierno corporativo.

Índice RS26000 verificado



Productos y servicios más sostenibles

     Los Stakeholders pueden consultar aquí una relación de los productos más sostenibles de la organización.


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